Phish Bowl
Example Messages
The following are examples of real phishing attempts received by Troy University students and employees. Visitors may learn more about phishing on our Security page.
August 19, 2024
Fake BankMobile Messages
Members of the TROY Community have been receiving fake BankMobile phishing messages. Note that Troy University does use BankMobile for financial aid disbursements, so students should be extra vigilant in reviewing any communications to ensure they are legitimate messages from BankMobile. The following are examples of these phishing messages:
January 18, 2024
Scam Attempt
Users received the following email offering part-time job opportunity and asking them to click on a link to fill out the form. Filling out the form would provide the information needed to change password if user also approved the 2FA request.
November 29, 2022
Scam Attempt
Some users have reported receiving an email indicating that their account has been updated. Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message. Messages such as this one often include a fake invoice attached to the email.
Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message.
An example of the email can be viewed below.
November 17, 2022
Scam Attempt
Some users have reported receiving an email indicating that their account has been updated. Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message.
Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message.
An example of the email can be viewed below.
November 3, 2022
Your Account has been Successfully Updated
Some users have reported receiving an email indicating that their account has been updated. Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message.
Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message.
An example of the email can be viewed below.
August 24, 2021
Password Expiration Notice (Phishing Email Warning)
Some users have reported receiving an email claiming that their password will expire and they are asked to click a link if they want to keep their password. The email pretends to come from Microsoft.
Users should disregard this message and notify the IT department if they clicked any links in the message.
An example of the email can be viewed below.
October 1, 2019
As a reminder, please do not open unsolicited attachments or select links in unsolicited email messages, especially, from unknown sources.
TROY IT has observed an increased volume of phishing messages today.
The latest phishing attempts contain links to malicious software. Please do not visit the links.
TROY IT has blocked the external content and changed account access to affected accounts.
The subject of the current message is “Notice”. The phishing message attempts to impersonate a “Help Desk” ticket. Please do not respond to the message and do not select any of the links within the message.
Sample Email Text and Screenshot Included Below:
Subject: Notice
We have received your request about your order and have created ticket
Your NST Help Desk Team will respond as quickly as possible.
Click Here to view your ticket in our Customer Portal
You can open new support requests.
View and get updates on all your tickets.
In the future, doing the following will help us identify and resolve issues quicker:
Send us a detailed message with the issues and the name of the user affected.
Details on what they were doing at the time.
Include the computer name or computer number.
Include a screen shot. Screen shots help resolve issues quicker.
Include any error messages by opening and cutting/pasting it into your e-mail.
Thank You,
October 1, 2019
As a reminder, please do not open unsolicited attachments or select links in unsolicited email messages, especially, from unknown sources.
TROY IT has observed an increased volume of phishing messages today.
The latest phishing attempts contain links to malicious software. Please do not visit the links.
TROY IT has blocked the external content and changed account access to affected accounts.
The subject of the current message is “Ticket”. The phishing message attempts to impersonate a “Help Desk” ticket. Please do not respond to the message and do not select any of the links within the message.
Sample Email Text and Screenshot Included Below:
Subject: Ticket
We have received your request about your order and have created ticket #1375162626
Your Help Desk Team will respond as quickly as possible.
Click Here to view your ticket in our Customer Portal
You can open new support requests.
View and get updates on all your tickets.
In the future, doing the following will help us identify and resolve issues quicker:
Send us a detailed message with the issues and the name of the user affected.
Details on what they were doing at the time.
Include the computer name or computer number.
Include a screen shot. Screen shots help resolve issues quicker.
Include any error messages by opening and cutting/pasting it into your e-mail.
Thank You,
September 24, 2019
Early in the morning of 24 September 2019, a large number of phishing email messages were delivered to the Troy University student environment.
Unfortunately, some users fell victim to the efforts, resulting in further impersonation efforts. Below, you will find examples of the messages.
TROY IT has mitigated the issue. We appreciate the notification from many faculty and students, whose awareness assisted our review substantially.
As a reminder, please don’t hesitate to forward any concerning messages to Also, use caution when reviewing email attachments, in particular, links to documents and other content.
The phishing email message contains links that will install harmful software to a Windows-based computer.
Avoid clicking the links on any device. Simply delete the email message, or, forward to
Sample Email Text and Screenshot Included Below:
Please find attached your current statement amd invoice. Unzip it before opening or viewing
If you have any issues or require any copies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sample Email Text and Screenshot Included Below:
Tue 9/24/2019 8:06 AM
Please find attached your current statement amd invoice. Unzip it before opening or viewing
If you have any issues or require any copies, please do not hesitate to contact us.
September 12, 2017
Several different phishing messages have been sent to Troy University e-mail addresses. Examples include subjects of Important Alert from Troy University Admin and IT service: Email address changed successfully. Similar messages may include varying subjects and content.
If you responded to the messages, opened an attachment, or if you clicked a link and provided any data please place a helpdesk ticket.

September 9, 2017
Several different phishing messages have been sent to Troy University e-mail addresses. Examples include subjects of Important Alert from Troy University Admin and HELP DESK NOTICE - Server Updates. Similar messages may include varying subjects and content.
If you responded to the messages, opened an attachment, or if you clicked a link and provided any data please place a helpdesk ticket.

February 28, 2017
The email message below with the subject –Brochure Review Request” is an attempt to compromise or infect your TROY accounts and devices.
If you responded to the message, opened the attachment, or if you clicked the link and provided any data please place a helpdesk ticket.

February 22, 2017
The email message below with the subject –IT Support Team” suggest that Troy University IT requires verification of email accounts and resetting of passwords.
Troy University IT does not request credentials or password resets via the mechanisms offered in the phishing attempts.
If you responded to the message, or if you clicked the link and provided any data. Please place a helpdesk ticket.

February 13, 2017
The email message below with the subject –Email Deactivation” suggest that Troy University IT requires verification of email accounts and resetting of passwords. This email had a PDF attachment with an dishonest link to a phishing site.
Troy University IT does not request credentials or password resets via the mechanisms offered in the phishing attempts.
If you responded to the message, opened the attachment, or if you clicked the link and provided any data. Please place a helpdesk ticket.

December 7, 2016

December 4, 2016

December 2, 2016

November 16, 2016

November 11, 2016

October 3, 2016